T.I.M | Hardware Documentation
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File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 |\*alu.vhdlFile containing source code for the basic ALU
 |o*bus_common.vhdlFile containing package declarations for the bus logic
 |o*bus_master.vhdlSource code for the entity declaration of the master bus controller
 |o*bus_master_arch.vhdlSource code for the architecture declaration of the master bus controller
 |o*bus_slave.vhdlSource code for the slave bus controller entity declaration
 |o*bus_slave_arch.vhdlSource code for the architecture declaration of the slave bus controller
 |\*tb_bus.vhdlTestbench for the bus modules
 |\*tim_cpu.vhdlTop file for the CPU module
 |o*mem_dummy.vhdlSource code for a dummy memory module used in simulations
 |\*sram_controller.vhdlSource code for the SRAM memory controller used in synthesis
 o*common.vhdlContains all constants, types and functions used across the architecture
 o*instructions.vhdlContains definitions of all instruction opcodes and their byte size in memory
 o*top_sim.vhdlTop file for simulated version of the TIM Processor
 \*top_synth.vhdlTop file for synthesised version of the TIM Processor