10 use ieee.std_logic_1164.
11 use ieee.numeric_std.
40 elsif(clk'event and clk = '1') then
164 end architecture tim_bus_slave_rtl;
Responsible for the synchronous state transitions and asynchronous resets.
Responsible for determining the next state of the statemachine.
address_range_bottominteger :=0
The bottomof the range of addresses to which this slave controller will respond to requests...
The bus slave controller module which responds to requests from the master.
in bus_read_writestd_logic
High if this transaction is a write, low if it is a read.
tim_bus_master_state :=BUS_RESET current_state
The current state of the controller.
out req_address_linesstd_logic_vector (data_width - 1 downto 0)
The address the bus transaction is targeting within the device.
data_widthinteger :=tim_bus_data_width
The number of data and address lines.
in bus_validstd_logic
Used to assert data written by the bus master to bus_lines is valid.
in resetstd_logic
Asynchonous reset signal.
Responsible for driving the bus outputs based on the current state of the controller.
address_range_topinteger :=1023
The top of the range of addresses to which this slave controller will respond to requests.
Responsible for driving the bus device outputs based on the current state of the controller.
std_logic_vector (data_width - 1 downto 0) internal_data_lines
Internal storage for the data of a transaction.
std_logic_vector (data_width - 1 downto 0) internal_address_lines
Internal storage for the address of a transaction.
out req_read_writestd_logic
Whether this is a read or write transaction the device must respond to.
out bus_enablestd_logic
Used to assert that the slave has read the bus lines and they can be updated.
in clkstd_logic
The main system clock.
in req_donestd_logic
Tells the controller the device has written/read all values from the address and data lines and can f...
inout req_data_linesstd_logic_vector (data_width - 1 downto 0)
The data the transaction needs. Either read data is put onto this or write data is taken off it...
tim_bus_master_state :=IDLE next_state
The next state of the controller.
out req_pendingstd_logic
Tells the host device a bus request needs dealing with.
inout bus_linesstd_logic_vector (data_width - 1 downto 0)
The lines which carry data and addresses;.
This package contains entity declarations and shared constant values for the bus logic modules...