T.I.M | Hardware Documentation
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Design Unit List
Here is a list of all design unit members with links to the Entities they belong to:
[detail level 12]
oNtim_busThis package contains entity declarations and shared constant values for the bus logic modules
oNtim_commonPackage header for all constants, functions and types used in TIM
oNtim_instructionsPackage that contains declarations and definitions for all instruction opcodes and their lengths
oCtb_busEmpty entity declaration of the bus testbench
|\Ctb_bus.testbenchBus testbench architecture
oCtim_bus_masterThe bus master controller module which arbitrates bus requests and responses
|\Ctim_bus_master.tim_bus_master_rtlRTL & synthesisable architecture of the bus master controller
\Ctim_bus_slaveThe bus slave controller module which responds to requests from the master
 \Ctim_bus_slave.tim_bus_slave_rtlThe synthesisable architecture of the tim bus slave controller