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tim_instructions Package Reference

Package that contains declarations and definitions for all instruction opcodes and their lengths. More...



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opcode_LOADR  std_logic_vector ( opcode_length - 1 downto 0 ) := std_logic_vector ( to_unsigned ( 0 , opcode_length ) )
 Load to register X from address in register Y with offset in register Z.
opcode_length_LOADR  integer := 4
 The length in bytes of the instruction.
opcode_LOADI  std_logic_vector ( opcode_length - 1 downto 0 ) := std_logic_vector ( to_unsigned ( 0 , opcode_length ) )
 Load to register X from address in register Y with immediate offset.
opcode_length_LOADI  integer := 4
 The length in bytes of the instruction.
opcode_STORI  std_logic_vector ( opcode_length - 1 downto 0 ) := std_logic_vector ( to_unsigned ( 0 , opcode_length ) )
 Store register X to address in register Y with offset in register Z.
opcode_length_STORI  integer := 4
 The length in bytes of the instruction.
opcode_STORR  std_logic_vector ( opcode_length - 1 downto 0 ) := std_logic_vector ( to_unsigned ( 0 , opcode_length ) )
 Store register X to address in register Y with immediate offset.
opcode_length_STORR  integer := 4
 The length in bytes of the instruction.
opcode_PUSH  std_logic_vector ( opcode_length - 1 downto 0 ) := std_logic_vector ( to_unsigned ( 0 , opcode_length ) )
 Push register X onto the top of the stack and decrement the stack pointer.
opcode_length_PUSH  integer := 4
 The length in bytes of the instruction.
opcode_POP  std_logic_vector ( opcode_length - 1 downto 0 ) := std_logic_vector ( to_unsigned ( 0 , opcode_length ) )
 Pop element at top of stack into register X and increment the stack pointer.
opcode_length_POP  integer := 4
 The length in bytes of the instruction.
opcode_MOVR  std_logic_vector ( opcode_length - 1 downto 0 ) := std_logic_vector ( to_unsigned ( 0 , opcode_length ) )
 Move the content of register X into register Y.
opcode_length_MOVR  integer := 4
 The length in bytes of the instruction.
opcode_MOVI  std_logic_vector ( opcode_length - 1 downto 0 ) := std_logic_vector ( to_unsigned ( 0 , opcode_length ) )
 Move immediate I into register X.
opcode_length_MOVI  integer := 4
 The length in bytes of the instruction.
opcode_JUMPR  std_logic_vector ( opcode_length - 1 downto 0 ) := std_logic_vector ( to_unsigned ( 0 , opcode_length ) )
 Jump to address contained within register X.
opcode_length_JUMPR  integer := 4
 The length in bytes of the instruction.
opcode_JUMPI  std_logic_vector ( opcode_length - 1 downto 0 ) := std_logic_vector ( to_unsigned ( 0 , opcode_length ) )
 Jump to address contained within instruction immediate.
opcode_length_JUMPI  integer := 4
 The length in bytes of the instruction.
opcode_CALLR  std_logic_vector ( opcode_length - 1 downto 0 ) := std_logic_vector ( to_unsigned ( 0 , opcode_length ) )
 Call to function who's address is contained within register X.
opcode_length_CALLR  integer := 4
 The length in bytes of the instruction.
opcode_CALLI  std_logic_vector ( opcode_length - 1 downto 0 ) := std_logic_vector ( to_unsigned ( 0 , opcode_length ) )
 Call to function who's address is contained within instruction immediate.
opcode_length_CALLI  integer := 4
 The length in bytes of the instruction.
opcode_RETURN  std_logic_vector ( opcode_length - 1 downto 0 ) := std_logic_vector ( to_unsigned ( 0 , opcode_length ) )
 Return from the last function call.
opcode_length_RETURN  integer := 4
 The length in bytes of the instruction.
opcode_TEST  std_logic_vector ( opcode_length - 1 downto 0 ) := std_logic_vector ( to_unsigned ( 0 , opcode_length ) )
 Test two general or special registers and set comparison bits.
opcode_length_TEST  integer := 4
 The length in bytes of the instruction.
opcode_HALT  std_logic_vector ( opcode_length - 1 downto 0 ) := std_logic_vector ( to_unsigned ( 0 , opcode_length ) )
 Stop processing and wait to be reset.
opcode_length_HALT  integer := 4
 The length in bytes of the instruction.
opcode_ANDR  std_logic_vector ( opcode_length - 1 downto 0 ) := std_logic_vector ( to_unsigned ( 0 , opcode_length ) )
 Bitwise AND two registers together.
opcode_length_ANDR  integer := 4
 The length in bytes of the instruction.
opcode_NANDR  std_logic_vector ( opcode_length - 1 downto 0 ) := std_logic_vector ( to_unsigned ( 0 , opcode_length ) )
 Bitwise NAND two registers together.
opcode_length_NANDR  integer := 4
 The length in bytes of the instruction.
opcode_ORR  std_logic_vector ( opcode_length - 1 downto 0 ) := std_logic_vector ( to_unsigned ( 0 , opcode_length ) )
 Bitwise OR two registers together.
opcode_length_ORR  integer := 4
 The length in bytes of the instruction.
opcode_NORR  std_logic_vector ( opcode_length - 1 downto 0 ) := std_logic_vector ( to_unsigned ( 0 , opcode_length ) )
 Bitwise NOR two registers together.
opcode_length_NORR  integer := 4
 The length in bytes of the instruction.
opcode_XORR  std_logic_vector ( opcode_length - 1 downto 0 ) := std_logic_vector ( to_unsigned ( 0 , opcode_length ) )
 Bitwise XOR two registers together.
opcode_length_XORR  integer := 4
 The length in bytes of the instruction.
opcode_LSLR  std_logic_vector ( opcode_length - 1 downto 0 ) := std_logic_vector ( to_unsigned ( 0 , opcode_length ) )
 Logical shift left the bits in register X by the value in register Y.
opcode_length_LSLR  integer := 4
 The length in bytes of the instruction.
opcode_LSRR  std_logic_vector ( opcode_length - 1 downto 0 ) := std_logic_vector ( to_unsigned ( 0 , opcode_length ) )
 Logical shift right the bits in register X by the value in register Y.
opcode_length_LSRR  integer := 4
 The length in bytes of the instruction.
opcode_NOTR  std_logic_vector ( opcode_length - 1 downto 0 ) := std_logic_vector ( to_unsigned ( 0 , opcode_length ) )
 Bitwise invert the specificed register.
opcode_length_NOTR  integer := 4
 The length in bytes of the instruction.
opcode_ANDI  std_logic_vector ( opcode_length - 1 downto 0 ) := std_logic_vector ( to_unsigned ( 0 , opcode_length ) )
 Bitwise AND two registers together.
opcode_length_ANDI  integer := 4
 The length in bytes of the instruction.
opcode_NANDI  std_logic_vector ( opcode_length - 1 downto 0 ) := std_logic_vector ( to_unsigned ( 0 , opcode_length ) )
 Bitwise NAND two registers together.
opcode_length_NANDI  integer := 4
 The length in bytes of the instruction.
opcode_ORI  std_logic_vector ( opcode_length - 1 downto 0 ) := std_logic_vector ( to_unsigned ( 0 , opcode_length ) )
 Bitwise OR two registers together.
opcode_length_ORI  integer := 4
 The length in bytes of the instruction.
opcode_NORI  std_logic_vector ( opcode_length - 1 downto 0 ) := std_logic_vector ( to_unsigned ( 0 , opcode_length ) )
 Bitwise NOR two registers together.
opcode_length_NORI  integer := 4
 The length in bytes of the instruction.
opcode_XORI  std_logic_vector ( opcode_length - 1 downto 0 ) := std_logic_vector ( to_unsigned ( 0 , opcode_length ) )
 Bitwise XOR two registers together.
opcode_length_XORI  integer := 4
 The length in bytes of the instruction.
opcode_LSLI  std_logic_vector ( opcode_length - 1 downto 0 ) := std_logic_vector ( to_unsigned ( 0 , opcode_length ) )
 Logical shift left the bits in register X by the immediate value.
opcode_length_LSLI  integer := 4
 The length in bytes of the instruction.
opcode_LSRI  std_logic_vector ( opcode_length - 1 downto 0 ) := std_logic_vector ( to_unsigned ( 0 , opcode_length ) )
 Logical shift right the bits in register X by the immediate value.
opcode_length_LSRI  integer := 4
 The length in bytes of the instruction.
opcode_IADDI  std_logic_vector ( opcode_length - 1 downto 0 ) := std_logic_vector ( to_unsigned ( 0 , opcode_length ) )
 Integer Add register X to immediate value.
opcode_length_IADDI  integer := 4
 The length in bytes of the instruction.
opcode_ISUBI  std_logic_vector ( opcode_length - 1 downto 0 ) := std_logic_vector ( to_unsigned ( 0 , opcode_length ) )
 Integer Subtract immediate value from register X.
opcode_length_ISUBI  integer := 4
 The length in bytes of the instruction.
opcode_IMULI  std_logic_vector ( opcode_length - 1 downto 0 ) := std_logic_vector ( to_unsigned ( 0 , opcode_length ) )
 Integer Multiply register X by immediate value.
opcode_length_IMULI  integer := 4
 The length in bytes of the instruction.
opcode_IDIVI  std_logic_vector ( opcode_length - 1 downto 0 ) := std_logic_vector ( to_unsigned ( 0 , opcode_length ) )
 Integer Divide register X by immediate value.
opcode_length_IDIVI  integer := 4
 The length in bytes of the instruction.
opcode_IASRI  std_logic_vector ( opcode_length - 1 downto 0 ) := std_logic_vector ( to_unsigned ( 0 , opcode_length ) )
 Integer Arithmetic shift register X right immediate value.
opcode_length_IASRI  integer := 4
 The length in bytes of the instruction.
opcode_IADDR  std_logic_vector ( opcode_length - 1 downto 0 ) := std_logic_vector ( to_unsigned ( 0 , opcode_length ) )
 Integer Add register X to register Y.
opcode_length_IADDR  integer := 4
 The length in bytes of the instruction.
opcode_ISUBR  std_logic_vector ( opcode_length - 1 downto 0 ) := std_logic_vector ( to_unsigned ( 0 , opcode_length ) )
 Integer Subtract register X from register Y.
opcode_length_ISUBR  integer := 4
 The length in bytes of the instruction.
opcode_IMULR  std_logic_vector ( opcode_length - 1 downto 0 ) := std_logic_vector ( to_unsigned ( 0 , opcode_length ) )
 Integer Multiply register X by register Y.
opcode_length_IMULR  integer := 4
 The length in bytes of the instruction.
opcode_IDIVR  std_logic_vector ( opcode_length - 1 downto 0 ) := std_logic_vector ( to_unsigned ( 0 , opcode_length ) )
 Integer Divide register X by register Y.
opcode_length_IDIVR  integer := 4
 The length in bytes of the instruction.
opcode_IASRR  std_logic_vector ( opcode_length - 1 downto 0 ) := std_logic_vector ( to_unsigned ( 0 , opcode_length ) )
 Integer Arithmetic shift register X right value in register Y.
opcode_length_IASRR  integer := 4
 The length in bytes of the instruction.
opcode_FADDI  std_logic_vector ( opcode_length - 1 downto 0 ) := std_logic_vector ( to_unsigned ( 0 , opcode_length ) )
 Floating point Add register X to immediate value.
opcode_length_FADDI  integer := 4
 The length in bytes of the instruction.
opcode_FSUBI  std_logic_vector ( opcode_length - 1 downto 0 ) := std_logic_vector ( to_unsigned ( 0 , opcode_length ) )
 Floating point Subtract immediate value from register X.
opcode_length_FSUBI  integer := 4
 The length in bytes of the instruction.
opcode_FMULI  std_logic_vector ( opcode_length - 1 downto 0 ) := std_logic_vector ( to_unsigned ( 0 , opcode_length ) )
 Floating point Multiply register X by immediate value.
opcode_length_FMULI  integer := 4
 The length in bytes of the instruction.
opcode_FDIVI  std_logic_vector ( opcode_length - 1 downto 0 ) := std_logic_vector ( to_unsigned ( 0 , opcode_length ) )
 Floating point Divide register X by immediate value.
opcode_length_FDIVI  integer := 4
 The length in bytes of the instruction.
opcode_FASRI  std_logic_vector ( opcode_length - 1 downto 0 ) := std_logic_vector ( to_unsigned ( 0 , opcode_length ) )
 Floating point Arithmetic shift register X right immediate value.
opcode_length_FASRI  integer := 4
 The length in bytes of the instruction.
opcode_FADDR  std_logic_vector ( opcode_length - 1 downto 0 ) := std_logic_vector ( to_unsigned ( 0 , opcode_length ) )
 Floating point Add register X to register Y.
opcode_length_FADDR  integer := 4
 The length in bytes of the instruction.
opcode_FSUBR  std_logic_vector ( opcode_length - 1 downto 0 ) := std_logic_vector ( to_unsigned ( 0 , opcode_length ) )
 Floating point Subtract register X from register Y.
opcode_length_FSUBR  integer := 4
 The length in bytes of the instruction.
opcode_FMULR  std_logic_vector ( opcode_length - 1 downto 0 ) := std_logic_vector ( to_unsigned ( 0 , opcode_length ) )
 Floating point Multiply register X by register Y.
opcode_length_FMULR  integer := 4
 The length in bytes of the instruction.
opcode_FDIVR  std_logic_vector ( opcode_length - 1 downto 0 ) := std_logic_vector ( to_unsigned ( 0 , opcode_length ) )
 Floating point Divide register X by register Y.
opcode_length_FDIVR  integer := 4
 The length in bytes of the instruction.
opcode_FASRR  std_logic_vector ( opcode_length - 1 downto 0 ) := std_logic_vector ( to_unsigned ( 0 , opcode_length ) )
 Floating point Arithmetic shift register X right value in register Y.
opcode_length_FASRR  integer := 4
 The length in bytes of the instruction.

Detailed Description

Package that contains declarations and definitions for all instruction opcodes and their lengths.

Definition at line 16 of file instructions.vhdl.

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