The bus master controller module which arbitrates bus requests and responses.
clk | in |
| The main system clock.
reset | in |
| Asynchonous reset signal.
bus_lines | inout ( data_width - 1 downto 0 ) |
| The lines which carry data and addresses;.
bus_valid | out |
| Used to assert data written by the bus master to bus_lines is valid.
bus_enable | in |
| Used to assert that the slave has read the bus lines and they can be updated.
bus_read_write | out |
| High if this transaction is a write, low if it is a read.
req_data_lines | inout ( data_width - 1 downto 0 ) |
| Request write data is placed on these lines.
req_read_write | in |
| Tells the controller if this is a read or write transaction. High == write, low == read.
req_address_lines | in ( data_width - 1 downto 0 ) |
| Addresses for read and write operations are placed on these lines.
req_pending | in |
| This is put high to tell the controller a request is pending.
req_acknowledge | out |
The bus master controller module which arbitrates bus requests and responses.
Definition at line 17 of file bus_master.vhdl.