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tim_bus_master Entity Reference

The bus master controller module which arbitrates bus requests and responses. More...

+ Inheritance diagram for tim_bus_master:


tim_bus_master_rtl  architecture
 RTL & synthesisable architecture of the bus master controller. More...



Use Clauses

 Imported from tim_bus package,.


data_width  integer := tim_bus_data_width
 The number of data and address lines.


clk   in std_logic
 The main system clock.
reset   in std_logic
 Asynchonous reset signal.
bus_lines   inout std_logic_vector ( data_width - 1 downto 0 )
 The lines which carry data and addresses;.
bus_valid   out std_logic
 Used to assert data written by the bus master to bus_lines is valid.
bus_enable   in std_logic
 Used to assert that the slave has read the bus lines and they can be updated.
bus_read_write   out std_logic
 High if this transaction is a write, low if it is a read.
req_data_lines   inout std_logic_vector ( data_width - 1 downto 0 )
 Request write data is placed on these lines.
req_read_write   in std_logic
 Tells the controller if this is a read or write transaction. High == write, low == read.
req_address_lines   in std_logic_vector ( data_width - 1 downto 0 )
 Addresses for read and write operations are placed on these lines.
req_pending   in std_logic
 This is put high to tell the controller a request is pending.
req_acknowledge   out std_logic

Detailed Description

The bus master controller module which arbitrates bus requests and responses.

Definition at line 17 of file bus_master.vhdl.

Member Data Documentation

req_acknowledge out std_logic

This is put high to tell the requestor that the request has been accepted. When it goes low again, This signals that the response is available

Definition at line 54 of file bus_master.vhdl.

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