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testbench Architecture Reference

Bus testbench architecture. More...


master_control  ( tb_clk , tb_reset , master_acknowledge )
 Responsible for stimulating the master bus controller.
slave_0_control  ( tb_clk , tb_reset , slave_0_pending )
 Responsible for stimulating the master bus controller.
slave_1_control  ( tb_clk , tb_reset , slave_1_pending )
 Responsible for stimulating the master bus controller.


tim_bus_master  <Entity tim_bus_master>
 The bus master controller module which arbitrates bus requests and responses.
tim_bus_slave  <Entity tim_bus_slave>
 This is put high to tell the requestor that the response is valid and its transaction is complete.


tb_clk  std_logic := ' 0 '
 Tells the controller the device has written/read all values from the address and data lines and can finish the request.
tb_reset  std_logic := ' 1 '
 Testbench clock signal.
bus_lines  std_logic_vector ( tim_bus_data_width - 1 downto 0 ) := ( others = > ' Z ' )
 Testbench reset signal.
bus_valid  std_logic := ' 0 '
bus_enable  std_logic := ' 0 '
bus_read_write  std_logic := ' 0 '
master_data  std_logic_vector ( tim_bus_data_width - 1 downto 0 ) := ( others = > ' 1 ' )
master_address  std_logic_vector ( tim_bus_data_width - 1 downto 0 ) := ( others = > ' 0 ' )
master_read_write  std_logic := ' 0 '
master_pending  std_logic := ' 0 '
master_acknowledge  std_logic := ' 0 '
slave_0_read_write  std_logic := ' 0 '
slave_0_address  std_logic_vector ( tim_bus_data_width - 1 downto 0 ) := ( others = > ' Z ' )
slave_0_data  std_logic_vector ( tim_bus_data_width - 1 downto 0 ) := ( others = > ' 0 ' )
slave_0_pending  std_logic := ' 0 '
slave_0_done  std_logic := ' 0 '
slave_1_read_write  std_logic := ' 0 '
slave_1_address  std_logic_vector ( tim_bus_data_width - 1 downto 0 ) := ( others = > ' Z ' )
slave_1_data  std_logic_vector ( tim_bus_data_width - 1 downto 0 ) := ( others = > ' 1 ' )
slave_1_pending  std_logic := ' 0 '
slave_1_done  std_logic := ' 0 '


entity_master  tim_bus_master <Entity tim_bus_master>
 The bus master object.
entity_slave_0  tim_bus_slave <Entity tim_bus_slave>
 The First bus device.
entity_slave_1  tim_bus_slave <Entity tim_bus_slave>
 The second bus device.

Detailed Description

Bus testbench architecture.

Definition at line 24 of file tb_bus.vhdl.

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