T.I.M | ISA Specification
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Coppies the contents of one register to another.

Register Access

MOVI may write to any special, general or temporary register except the program counter.

Memory Layout

This is a 3 byte instruction. GP/SR bits determine if the destination and source registers index the general or special purpose register files.

Opcode | Condition Code | GP/SR 1 | Destination | GP/SR 2 | Source | Don't Care
000111 | 00 | 1/0 | DDDD | 1/0 | ssss | ???? ??

Assembly Code Examples

1. | MOVR $PC $R1
2. | MOVR $T1 $R5
3. | MOVR $R6 $T5
4. | MOVR $LR $T5
See Also
Instructions Quick Reference, MOVI