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Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
oCasm_args_reg_doubleRegister arguments structure for opcodes with two register arguments
oCasm_args_reg_double_immRegister arguments structure for opcodes with two register arguments and an immediate
oCasm_args_reg_singleRegister arguments structure for opcodes with only a single register argument
oCasm_args_reg_single_immRegister arguments structure for opcodes with one register argument and an immediate
oCasm_args_reg_trippleRegister arguments structure for opcodes with three register arguments
oCasm_args_single_immRegister arguments structure for opcodes with one immediate
oCasm_args_single_imm_labelRegister arguments structure for opcodes with one immediate who's value is a label
oCasm_contextContains all information for the program in a format that can be easily passed around
oCasm_hash_tableKeeps a key,value pairing of elements. It's a hash table folks
oCasm_hash_table_binContains a single bin in the hashtable
oCasm_lex_tokenTypedef for the asm lexer token structure
oCasm_lex_token_valueUnion to hold the correct value of an instruction
oCasm_opcode_argsUnion types for all different types of argument/operand combinations used
\Casm_statementStores all information on a single ASM instruction